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  1. Kyle Rooyakkers
    October 17, 2023 @ 11:16 pm

    You’re whole review was so you could advertise the two apps you suggested so i ask even though what you are saying is technically true your still as bad as them only difference you have a better grasp on the English language 👍🔱😱🫡🤡🤡🤡


    • David Lau
      October 19, 2023 @ 11:17 pm

      Hello Kyle,

      Thanks for commenting.


  2. Kathy Gallien
    October 24, 2023 @ 6:39 am

    I earned the $200 and it said I had to continue to 40 ads. I did that I have been waiting for 2 days to collect my money. And it keeps bumping me up to a higher waiting time period this app has got to be bogus. It’s definitely not legit. I’ve been waiting and waiting and get my hopes up for nothing. This app should be freaking banned from the internet.


    • David Lau
      October 27, 2023 @ 9:44 am

      Hello Kathy Gallien,

      This app developer unethically exploits our time, effort, and mobile data to earn video ad revenues for himself.

      The ugly side of such exploitation is widely seen in all the fake rewarding apps.

      In the end, we will be placed in an endless queue with the requirements to watch countless video commercials.

      Yeah, you are right.

      This app is surely not legit.

      I sincerely advise you stay away from it and don’t further waste valuable time, effort, and mobile data on it.

      Best regards



  3. Ceny Joy
    October 28, 2023 @ 3:48 pm

    Thank you so much Mr. David for your earnestly review of this/these fake(s) earning money game app. Keep it up! What’s a very bad unethically app developer they were. Hopefully they would experience back whatever super bad things that they did for manipulating people time, energy as well as money from people in aim to gain their profits over dramatically false hope. They would surely be punished for all of it.


    • David Lau
      October 28, 2023 @ 11:39 pm

      You are most welcome Mr Ceny Joy.

      I try my best to inform as many people as I can to stay away from these fake rewarding apps and games.

      They say what goes around comes around, right?

      Hopefully, these unethical developers will be punished for exploiting innocent people’s time, effort, and hard-earned money.


  4. Mia
    November 18, 2023 @ 2:50 pm

    Ich verstehe eigentlich nichts mehr,
    bin aus Österreich und habe außer den 200Euro 3,060 Euro “verdient”
    wobei auch dann steht,”Eingaben sind abgeschlossen”,4× schon ist dann das Bargeld abgelaufen,bin frustriert und auch schon ziemlich mitgenommen,werde aufhören denn,weiß gar nicht mehr worauf ich warten soll.


    • David Lau
      November 26, 2023 @ 11:58 pm

      Hallo Mia,

      Die von Ihnen erwähnten Euro waren nur virtuell gültig.

      Sie können nicht in einen echten Geldwert umgerechnet werden.

      Die Wahrheit ist, dass der unethische Entwickler jede Möglichkeit ausnutzt, um Sie glauben zu lassen, dass man damit echtes Geld verdienen kann.

      Auf diese Weise verbringen Sie weiterhin mehr Zeit im Spiel.

      Das führt direkt zu höheren Werbeeinnahmen für den Entwickler.

      Sie sollten und müssen aufhören, Zeit mit dem Spiel zu verbringen.

      Das ist mein aufrichtiger Rat.


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