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  1. Gurney L Wilson Jr
    June 8, 2023 @ 12:42 pm

    The first game I played for 2 long day and I acummalated over $36,000 and it said withdraw, when I did thaty money was gone and I couldn’t find it, so I tried to contact the one that made the game and I got no real answers, now I am up to almost $34,000 again and I wanted it put in my PayPal account and on my PayPal card but I have nothing to show for all my time I spent playing this game,. What gives here do I receive my money or not????


    • David Lau
      June 16, 2023 @ 1:55 pm

      Do you seriously think that you can earn 34 grand just by playing the game?

      It doesn’t make any complete sense, right?

      No, you will not receive any real payout with this game.

      So, stay away from it.

      That’s my sincere advice.


      • Skip Sherin
        November 8, 2023 @ 3:23 pm

        I have a question about magical tree I’ve been waiting for a payout and I waited for the 3 to 15 days I checked it at 11:30 this morning and it was still in the little 24 hour thing now the 24 hour thing is gone but I haven’t received the payment yet when will I receive the payment I’ve been patiently waiting for


        • David Lau
          November 10, 2023 @ 9:02 am

          Hello Skip Sherin,

          Unfortunately, the payout aspect of this app is fake.

          Hence, nobody will be able to receive any real payouts successfully.

          The waiting period that you mentioned has been implemented intentionally so that the developer will reap even more ad revenues.

          I suggest you stay away from this app and never look back.


  2. Sharon DeSeyn
    June 16, 2023 @ 4:43 pm

    How do I cancel my VIP membership?


    • David Lau
      June 25, 2023 @ 3:26 pm

      If you pay through credit or debit cards, contact your local bank to cease the recurring payments.

      If you pay through PayPal, you can cancel the recurring payments directly from your PayPal account dashboard.


      • William
        July 17, 2023 @ 7:24 pm

        Last time I requested a payment. And the instruction I got was to pay the fee and wait for 15 days. So I did that.

        But when I had to receive money into my PayPal account. It said ” Google does not recognise my email address.

        Can you please elaborate!


        • David Lau
          July 18, 2023 @ 12:01 am

          Firstly, please understand that I’m an independent reviewer and content creator.

          Hence, I’ve no relationship with the game developer.

          People come to me all the time asking for reasons for not fulfilling payouts.

          All I can do is inform my readers to stay away from fake rewarding games.

          Secondly, PayPal has nothing to do with Google email.

          If the developer is keen to honor the payout, you will receive payment as long as your PayPal email address is valid and verified.

          Unfortunately, this game developer will never pay a dime.

          That’s the brutal reality you have to accept.


  3. Vitória Oliveira
    August 5, 2023 @ 6:10 am

    Fiz o pedido de resgate dos meus 500€ e me mandaram ver 80 videos.
    Assim fiz.
    Agora fizem que não podem depositar dinheiro no PayPal e que vão depositar no blockchain network que nem sei o que é.
    Tudo tretas de jogos para enganar


    • David Lau
      August 5, 2023 @ 11:51 am

      O que você experimentou foi uma tática astuta implementada pelo desenvolvedor do jogo para maximizar as receitas de anúncios em vídeo.

      No final, ele continuará a dar todo tipo de desculpa para atrasar os pagamentos reais indefinidamente.

      Todos serão colocados em uma fila interminável para continuar assistindo a anúncios em vídeo enquanto aguardam os pagamentos.

      Infelizmente, pagamentos reais não serão honrados.

      Meu conselho sincero é ficar longe deste jogo e nunca olhar para trás.


  4. Renata
    October 20, 2023 @ 2:02 pm

    This magical tree is fake i have to pay in order to get the payout. How do unemployed people do that if they not working and have no money? so they try games like these to earn but games like this only trick them. Im disappointed


    • David Lau
      October 22, 2023 @ 12:00 am

      Hello Renata,

      First and foremost, thanks for commenting.

      Your action helps to inform my readers to beware of this fake game.


      It doesn’t make any complete sense to pay to unlock payouts.

      My sincere advice is to stay away from it and never look back.


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