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  1. Sue munley
    September 12, 2023 @ 8:03 am

    I got 200 it said I can cash out at 200 I went to cash out and it brought me to 5.06 after I watched Literally hours of ads. I big fraud and a big scam. Huge waste of time. Why are you straight up lying to people??? Pathetic


    • David Lau
      September 12, 2023 @ 10:08 pm

      I do understand your frustration.

      Your scenario is predictable.

      That’s why I created this blog to inform all my readers to stay away from fake and unattractive rewarding apps and games.

      Usually, they adopt the same cunningness which is exploiting our time, effort, and mobile data to reap benefits for themselves.

      Most of the time, the fakeness is about generating video ad revenues for the developers.


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