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  1. Laura Marantette
    December 20, 2022 @ 5:26 pm

    I was told by the game that
    My money will be available by the 24 of December. I am on the second level of commercials 175.


    • David Lau
      December 20, 2022 @ 10:21 pm

      Dear Laura Marantette,

      I’m glad to know that you will receive the money by the 24th of December.

      Good luck and all the best to you.

      Best regards



  2. Lorri
    January 16, 2023 @ 11:45 pm

    How do you contact the owner of witch gem? Only way to report fraudulent activity is to know the company name and contact information


    • David Lau
      January 17, 2023 @ 10:21 am

      Dear Lorri,

      I’ve checked for you.

      The only way you can contact the owner is through the email address.

      But I don’t think you will get any reply or response.

      They also have websites with the .co and .com extensions.

      The .co website links to a single-page privacy policy page.

      The .com website redirected me to another spammy web address with all the weird signs and alphabets.

      I guess it’s an affiliate link or a malicious advertisement link.

      The link is also not secured with SSL encryption.

      The best solution is to report the app to Google Play or Apple.

      For Apple, search for the app and tap on the “report” button to submit.

      For Google Play, go to the app’s page and tap on “more”.

      Then, choose the “flag as inappropriate” option.

      Provide a valid reason and tap on “submit”.

      Google will investigate and take the necessary action.

      I suggest you uninstall the game and stop playing it.

      It isn’t worth your time and effort.

      Hope my answers help.

      Best regards



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